Saturday 30 January 2016


My parents argued. Loudly sometimes.

A few days ago some of my neighbours had a loud row right around the time I was waking up. So the yelling mingled with my dreams as my consciousness came up from the depths of sleep, zapping me back twenty years to waking up to arguing parents.

I used to have tummy aches more often than not. Until my dad moved over seas. Or so my mum told me. I don't quite remember.

I hate arguing and angry people. It makes me nervous.

My dad can't leave his ego out of things, that would've been a very bad combination with teenage tantrums. I'm actually quite glad that he wasn't around for most of my teens. And that was before I cut him off. We didn't speak for four years.

He nearly died in a car crash halfway through those four years. He came out of that a lot more mellow. We have somewhat of a relationship these days.

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